Publisher: Elizabeth Hurd


Thank you to CityRep!

Oklahoma City Repertory Theatre brings many wonderful performers into our fair city giving us exceptional talent.  Audra McDonald is a thrilling artist with an eclectic repertoire that delighted the audience.  She is a very funny and talented lady but my new colleague at okartsceneandhurd said it best in the following letter to Don.  Thanks, CityRep!

Many many thanks to you and CityRep for bringing such a brilliant and beloved Broadway treasure to Oklahoma City.  Every CityRep sponsored event attended has been incredible, and this was no different.  Ms. McDonald’s performance was captivating, emotional, and seemed… Continue reading


I would like to thank friends and colleagues for their support and company.

Will Hurd, Jillian Pritchard Ball, Phyllis Kimmel Libby, Thomas J. Hurd, James Hurd, Anna Holloway, Ryan Echols and Adam Davies have all provided valuable insight, chauffeuring, proof-reading, contributions and suggestions. 

Jillian Pritchard Ball is a new intern for and her contributions will be increasing shortly.  I would like to extend a grateful welcome to her.

Elizabeth Hurd Continue reading